Staff Management, Inc. stands ready to assist Clients in a variety of ways, assuring that the Client’s needs are being met.
Staff Management, Inc. is an accredited, award winning PEO (Professional Employer Organization). We combine our 40-year business experience with advanced technology and exceptional professionals to deliver an innovative solution to your Human Resource management needs. We work with businesses and nonprofit organizations in nearly all industries, allowing business leaders to leverage their particular strengths instead of being distracted in the highly regulated, complex world of managing employment. We want you to focus on your people, not on the business of being an employer.

Staff Management’s co-employment (PEO) option is the most comprehensive and cost-effective way for a company to manage its HR function. By working with Staff Management, Inc. in a co-employment arrangement, you reduce the risks and unexpected costs of having employees. You receive much-needed relief from the day-to-day responsibilities of HR. Time-consuming HR administration, payroll, benefits, and risk management issues are now cared for by knowledgeable professionals and you have the local, face-to-face HR management experience service that you and your employees deserve! We work closely with you to ensure that our program is congruent with the company’s goals and objectives and provides compliance, structure and appropriate communication.

One simple way to engage Staff Management, Inc. is to start with an HR Practices Audit & Risk Assessment, which can highlight and define areas that may need some specific attention. You can then determine what actions you might like to take to reduce compliance risks, improve employee relations, or simply elevate your operations to "better practices". Our Assessment is designed to drive more effective processes and a greater peace of mind. Other projects may include a drafting (or redrafting) of a special policy, comprehensive employee handbooks, employee training, compensations systems development, employee surveys, and the like. Our professional HR department stands ready to be of help. Let's Talk! !

Short-Term Consulting
Companies sometimes find that they need additional help in the HR area to supplement or complement their in-house team, in order to complete or facilitate a project. We provide an HR professional who will evaluate and advise, then work with the Client to complete the project in an effective manner. Additionally, Clients have the depth, breath, and expertise of the Staff Management team available as a resource.

Long-Term Consulting
It is often an effective business solution to have Staff Management, Inc. as a loyal resource to help bring HR practices into compliance and increase effectiveness. By having the expertise of our dedicated HR professionals accessible when needed, your organization can handle unique situations as they arise. Together, we can help your organization meet its HR goals.

On-site Management
Staff Management, Inc. is ready and able to manage the entire HR function for your organization. With On-Site Management, we provide staff at your location to assist in all areas of Human Resources. Staff Management professionals are often involved with strategic goals of the organization. As your company’s HR Department, our professional staff will work directly with owners and communicate with employees as appropriate. All HR administrative duties will be completed in a compliant manner, keeping best practices in mind. Part-time HR services or multi-employee departments are provided as requested.